The Yuma River Tubing & float down company offers tube rentals and van rides from West Wetlands Park in Yuma, AZ up the Colorado River to Gateway Park or the confluence of the Gila and Colorado Rivers.
Let's go tubing!! The cost is $28+ tax per person for 5 miles, or $15+ tax per person for 1 hour. The cost includes Tube Rental, shuttle van ride, and free parking at the West Wetlands Park.
YRT strives for the safety of all customers. YRT will implement safety protocols. YRT is asking customers to maintain "social distancing" at check-in and on its shuttle van rides to the Colorado River. A face covering/bandana must be worn during your check-in/tube rental transaction process, shuttle van transportation, as well as, at the end of the float when you return your inner tube.
YRT will require employees to wear a face covering. Daily temperature checks will be administered to our employees as well.
Shuttle transportation will be disinfected every 24hrs with disinfectant solutions, as well as our tubes.
YRT is ready to see all the smiles from our customers as they exit the Colorado at the boat ramp. The city has built a new beach at West Wetlands so the exit point will is very visible. See everybody soon!!!
Enjoy a scenic and fun trip floating the Colarado River during your stay in Yuma.
The Mighty Colorado River was a source for Yuma's growth during the early days, now it is a source of relaxation and adventure for those who float her.
We offer three different floats this year. A 5 mile, 2 1/2 mile and our 1 mile Happy Hour float. No matter how long you have to relax, we have the solution for you!
See our About page for more information on the different float trips available.
We are located at The Yuma West Wetlands Park. We provide the tubes and a ride up the river. Just bring your cooler, drinks, snacks, and ice. Then relax as you float your way down the Colorado River back to the park. Dogs and children welcome too. NO GLASS containers.
Remember to bring sunblock, sunglasses, or large brimmed hats. No glass is allowed on the river, plastic and aluminum are okay.